Secret question

In the „User profile” section You have an opportunity to choose a secret question, needed for password recovery in case if You forgot it. To do that, You need to:

  • login into your e-mail,
  • go to “Options” and click there “User profile” below the list of preferences or click on your e-mail address in the upper right corner of the page near the language option and choose "Profile":


  • From the left menu choose “Account Security” -> "Security question" section and press "Edit";
  • Choose a question from the drop-down list "Please choose a question";
  • in a field "Answer to the question" enter the answer;
  • And click “Save” to save the changes, or “Reset” to cancel the operation.

You can also choose Your own secret question. To do that, you have to:

  • choose "My own question" from questions drop-down menu
  • and in a field "Your question" have to enter your own question.
  • Then you have to write an answer in the field "Answer to the question"
  • and press "Save".


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