Mobile phone to restore password

 In the "User profile" section it is possible to add a mobile phone number to reset the password in case of any problems.


To do this: log in to your mailbox and click on your username in the upper right corner of the page, click on the "Recovery Options" button.


Click the "Add" button in the "Phone to restore access" section.


Select a country and enter the phone number, press "Add".


You can choose two options - receive SMS from us or send SMS to us. Choose the option that suits you best.

If you chose the option - receive SMS, then wait for the SMS and enter the code, then press "Verify".

If the process completes successfully, you'll see the phone number listed in the "Recovery phone" section.

If you do not receive the code within 5 minutes, use the "Resend Code" option (next to "Verify").


If you chose the option - send SMS, then send us the specified code to the specified number. Wait up to 10 minutes, your phone number will be confirmed automatically.

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