Mail recovery from outlook back to my mailbox

The first thing to do - to enable the option "keep mail on server" for pop3:

  1. Start Outlook Express.
  2. In the "Tools" menu, open the submenu "Accounts".
  3. Select Your account and click "Properties".
  4. Click the "Advanced" and select the check box "Leave a copy of messages on server".
  5. Save the settings by pressing the "OK", then "Close".

Option 1: Redirect all mail from Your computer back to the mailbox Inbox

  1. Start Outlook Express.
  2. In the "Tools" menu, open the menu "Message Rules" and from submenu select "Mail".
  3. Click "New" to create a new rule.
  4. Check the box "Select the Conditions for Your rule: For all messages" (located at the bottom).
  5. Check the box "Select the Actions for Your rule: Forward it to people"
  6. Click on the underlined word "people", in the pop-up window enter Your e-mail.
  7. Save the rule, double-clicking the "OK", then click "Apply Now".

Disadvantages of this method are the loss of the original sender, date, and time.

Option 2: The function of collecting mail from other pop3 servers (complex method)

  1. Install and configure the pop3 server, for example, "XMail", "Kerio Connect", "Small HTTP Server" or "hMailServer". Before installing and configuring, be sure to check the documentation of the developer.
  2. Let the rules of the firewall to access Your pop3 server (if necessary, adjust the masquerading - NAT).
  3. In the settings of the pop3 server, create user, set the password, and select the folder that contains letters.
  4. In the setting of Inbox Mail (section "Connecting other mailboxes"), specify the address of Your pop3 server, username and password.
  5. Save the settings by clicking the appropriate button. Wait to start collecting mail. E-mail is taken approximately every 10 minutes.

Disadvantages of this method: it is required to install and configure third-party programs. Pros: maintaining the original sender, date and time.

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