Password restoring

To restore password of Your mailbox:

  • Go to the main page and click on Forgot Your password?;




  • Enter username, which needs password restore;
  • Click Next step;




  • Then choose one of the restore methods (Recovery email, Mobile phone or Security question):


Security question

  • After You choose this method, please, press Next step;
  • Enter Your answer to the security question and enter security code. Please, note that the security code must be written in Latin alphabet using only small letters. Check „Caps Lock” – it also must be turned off;
  • Click Next step;
  • Set Your new password;
  • Click Save to save the changes;




  • After password has been successfully restored, You'll see such message:




Recovery email

  • After You choose this method, please, press Next step;
  • Enter full restore email address You have entered in Your User Profile;




  • Click Send an email;
  • After this action, message with the password restore instructions will be sent to the specified address;
  • Then you can click Go to the portal to enter Your recovery email if it is on, or open another service, where Your recovery email is registered;
  • Enter Your recovery email and open a message with a subject Reset Your password;
  • Click on the link Password change or use URL in the end of the message;
  • Set Your new password;
  • Click Save to save the changes;




  • After password has been successfully restored, You'll see such message:




Mobile phone

  • After You choose password recovery method Mobile phone, please, press Next step;
  • Enter security code and press Next step again;




  • Wait till You receive an sms with the code for password recovery;
  • Enter this code and press Next step;




  • Set Your new password;
  • Click Save to save the changes;




  • After password has been successfully restored, You'll see such message:




Remember! In case You can not remember the answer to the secret question and You have not entered a recovery email in Your User Profile section, You can lost Your username. To avoid it, please, contact technical support.

وسوم: password

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