Inactive user

    In case You have not used Your mailbox through address during 9 month Your mailbox (login name) will automatically be blocked and the status changed to „Inactive user”. Users with status „Inactive user” have following limitations:

1) You are not recieving e-mails. Message sender receives a mail with following text:

The following recipient(s) cannot be reached: on 2008.  gada .14.05 14:38
You do not have permission to send to this recipient. For assistance, contact your system administrator.
   < server #5.7.1 smtp;554 5.7.1 rejected: Inactive user>

2) You are not receiving SMS notifications.

3) Is not performed message forwarding  to other mailboxes.

    To change status „Inactive user” You must enter Your mailbox on webpage or using an email client program (via the protocol POP3). The status will be changed during 1 day.

وسوم: inactive

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