Forgot the password

If you can’t remember the password or you can’t restore it using available techniques, to make sure that you are the owner of this certain e-mail box, we need to get from you the following information:

  • Your name and surname
  • Birth date
  • Possible answers to the secret question
  • The phone number to which you would like to receive your new password (phone number + country code)
  • The IP address from which you most frequently visit your email. You can find out your IP address, visiting this link -
  • Mailbox name which requires a password
  • List of the addresses to which you have sent an email or recipients from which you have received messages in your mailbox.

!All received information will be used only for password recovery process.

! After the password recovery, please do not forget to fill in the fields in your user profile which is necessary for password recovery in future with an alternative e-mail or via a mobile phone. Mobile phone or alternative e-mail will allow you to constantly change the access to your e-mailbox.

وسوم: password

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