How to find out current version of browser?

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open browser,
  2. From the top menu choose "Help" and click on "About Firefox",


        2.1. On the right side, on the top click on the "Open menu" icon and in a pop-up window press on Help section icon:

        2.2. From the list choose "About Firefox":

  1. In a new window You will see the current version of browser.

Google Chrome

  1. Open browser,
  2. On the right, top side click on the icon ,
  3. From the list choose "About Google Chrome",

  1. In a new window You will see the current version of browser.

Internet Explorer

  1. Open browser,
  2. On the right, top side click on the icon ,

       3.1. From the list choose "About Internet Explorer",

       3.2. From the top menu choose "Help" and click on "About Internet Explorer",

  1. In a new window You will see the current version of browser.


  1. Open browser,
  2. From the top menu choose "Help" and click on "About Safari",

  1. In a new window You will see the current version of browser.


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