Filter rule: redirect and leave a copy


You can create a filter that automatically will redirect all incoming messages from particular sender, for example,  to the specified email address, however a copy of the letter will remain in your current mailbox.

To set up the filter:

  • Go to the "Options" and choose "Filters",
  • in the first drop-down menu of "Field" choose one of the five available options, for example, "From",
  • in second drop-down menu choose - "Contains" (for partial matches of the defined keywords (e-mail address or name/surname of the sender) with text in the field “From”) or ”Is” (for exact matches of the defined keyword with content of the fields “From”).
  • In the text field enter the keyword which will affect filtration process,
  • In the first drop-down menu of "Action" choose "Redirect and leave a copy",
  • In the text field enter an e-mail address to which you would like to redirect incoming messages. Now all incoming messages, which contain defined keywords, will be redirected to the specified email address. Please note that a copy of the letter should remain in your current mailbox.
  • Then press "Create".

When filter is made, it will appear in the table "Filter Rules" and will be activated automatically.

When You'll have more than one filter, there will be the opportunity to move filters up and down or to delete those.



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