Advices of how to reduce spam amount in the mailbox

The main rule - don’t allow spammers to find out your email address!

   Do not open spam emails, delete them without reading. Opening of the spam letter (if delivery receipt is required or „Show images” button appears) or replying it will confirm that email address is active and lead to more spam.  For user protection remote image blocking is set by default in mailboxes.

   1. Do not click on “unsubscribe” reference if you aren't confident that it will work as supposed to. If the recipient presses this hyperlink no formal reply occurs, but the address is marked as valid (active).

   2. Do not publish your email address on popular websites. If it’s necessary to post an email address somewhere use encoding, for example, “support (at) inbox dot lt” or post the address as image if possible.

   3. For the registrations on websites or for communication with users not causing trust use special mailbox, which name hasn't something in common with your work (private) mailbox.

   4. If you started to receive spam from a portal on which you were registered recently, most likely you have forgotten to specify that you don't wish to receive news from the given portal during the registration process. Try to change settings.

   5. Never respond to spam emails or follow the hyperlinks provided. This will only confirm that an email address is valid and lead to more spam.

   6. The fact of loading pictures included in the email during reading can indicate that images are used for checking the activity of the email address. Therefore it’s recommended to deny request from the mail client about permission of loading images if you aren't sure about the sender.

   7. Whenever possible choose long and hard for guessing name for the e-mail address.

   8. Use an automatic filtration for incoming spam. 

   9. Remember that doesn't send letters to users from unofficial emails. Don't react to letters from the face of sent from the unofficial emails.

   10. Before entering your mailbox, be sure that the URL typed in your browser’s address bar is correct, the address of the first page of is  –

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