Mailbox optimization.

If your mailbox incoming messages is growing up as fast as papers on your desk, it is getting hard to navigate between the old and new received messages, and it seems that the mailbox started to run slower, then you have a chance to make a Mailbox optimization.

Optimization is the archiving process of mailbox. During this process, system automatically creates a new folder with the name Archieve, in which the old part of the incoming messages are moved. This option can be used by those users, who e-mail message count reaches or exceeds >100 000 posts.

As a result, you get a private, secure message storage and your mailbox is able to run much faster than before.

To create an archive:

  1. You must log in to your e-mail box and enter Settings section;
  2. On the toolbar, select the section Recovery & optimization;
  3. Select the option Mailbox optimization;
  4. Click on the Optimize.




Message archiving can take 10 to 15 minutes, but it will not prevent you to take full advantage of your mail box and the features offered.

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